Creative reuse has shaped culture for centuries. From the rich heritage of antique collecting to recent innovations in recycling technology, reimagining what’s possible with what’s already there presents an exciting challenge to the design community. It is this shared passion that lies at the heart of STACKABL.
Put simply, STACKABL is a new configurator that anyone can operate to design furniture online—an innovative system that allows you to turn high quality offcuts from regional manufacturers into fully finished, custom work ready to be shipped to your home or project.
How it Works
The configurator's real-time visualizations in 2D and 3D enable you, the designer, to see your choices of colors, patterns, dimensions, and densities come to life (and to view instant pricing feedback as you go).
Developed closely with regional manufacturers, and aided by algorithms and robotics, the configurator identifies remnant inventory (in the form of metal, wood, and felt) that fits your aesthetic choices. This inventory is then put back through the manufacturers' own machines, and into the hands of their own experts, who execute the design.
At the end of this intuitive and transparent experience is the piece you've created, ready for its new home. And by using existing regional resources, you've empowered local economies while curbing everyone's carbon footprint.
To create your very own design in the configurator, visit https://www.stackabl.shop/types
Maison Gerard & STACKABL
The pieces you see below comprise the inaugural collection of furniture created in collaboration with Maison Gerard, a collection that explores the world of possibilities open to anyone using STACKABL.
We drew on the talents of six designers, asking them to create works of their own within this incredible new configurator.
With no brief to draw from, other than to work within the parameters set by the configurator, the designers chosen (Alexandra Champalimaud, Drake / Anderson, Elena Frampton, Georgis & Mirgorodsky, Laura Kirar, and Benoist F. Drut) were free to realize their own visions. The result is a striking array of characterful works that belong to both past and future.
Pulling from a vast range of historical, contemporary, and personal references, from Louis XVI to Brad Davis and many more unlikely muses in-between, this body of work demonstrates the endless possibilities at the intersection of design, technology and circular manufacturing, where the imagination takes hold.