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Fernando Mastrangelo

Fault 02 - Escape, Wall-mounted Piece

United States, 2017


Fernando Mastrangelo
Fernando Mastrangelo
Fernando Mastrangelo
Fernando Mastrangelo
Fernando Mastrangelo


Medium: Glass, sand

Dimensions: 66 in high x  48 in wide x 3 in deep

Fault 02, a piece composed of sand and tinted glass, toys with our conception of landscapes. Like Escape’s other flat work, Fault 01, the piece takes a more direct approach to the genre, re-pinning it to the wall. It would be a mistake, however, to suggest that the piece is less dramatically innovative then the rest of the line of furniture: With these flatworks Mastrangelo shifts our perspective 90 degrees, giving us a bird’s eye view of landscape; and by casting sand over and around tinted glass, he creates an unmatched sense of depth, conveying the worlds that lie both above and beneath the water’s surface.

Unique piece.

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